
Thursday, October 18, 2012

God Knows. Personal Project

This is a video about God knowing everything better than we do. The description best says what this video is about and where the idea came from. "This is a video about God's knowledge about our future based off the verse Jeremiah 29:11. You may not know what tomorrow will bring, or if your sick relative will make it through the night or even what the next step in life is but God does and He has your best in mind. It is only logical for us as humans who know hardly anything to trust the God who made us to direct our steps and guide our future. I hope this video was a blessing to you an helped illustrate the need for total dependence on God for the future. "

During this video you can pay attention to all the different cuts that were used. Every scene in a video is filmed for a purpose, to communicate a message.  As a video maker, I am responsible for communicating my thoughts to a variety of different audiences. One main tip I can give to other video makers is to make sure you communicate your thoughts in video form as clearly as possible. Also, look for the simplicity in the video. Often times, beginning video makers can tend to be "effects happy" which makes for a very messy or confusing video. This does not communicate your message well and inhibits the effects of the video. Simplicity in this video comes in many forms, from the text that was used, all the way down to the shots that were filmed. Pay attention to these two things specifically as you watch the video.

 Click the picture to enjoy the video!


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